Staying hydrated is crucial to health and well-being, but many people don’t consume enough fluids every day.

Staying hydrated is crucial to health and well-being, but many people don’t consume enough fluids every day. I am one of those who have been struggling with water consumption for years. Until a few years ago, I drank maybe only 2-3 glasses a day. I never felt thirsty, there were even days when I forgot to drink water. Until I was caught in the web of illnesses that woke me up and forced me to face reality.
Water literally changed my life, physically and mentally.
That’s why I want to bring you closer to the importance of water and its magical properties in the body. Even religions use the property of water. We are all familiar with HOLY WATER. Water in which the words of prayer were spoken and stored.

Drinking water (plain or in the form of other molecular states or food) is essential to your health.
Think of water as a nutrient that your body needs. The water that is drunk is important for the body every day in order to replace the large amounts of water lost from the body every day.

When our water intake does not match our water output from the body, we become dehydrated. Fluid losses are accentuated in warmer climates, during strenuous exercise, at high altitudes, and in older adults whose sense of thirst may not be as acute, this symptom is increasingly occurring in young people as well.

“When the cells don’t get the required amount of water, we are dehydrated and thirsty, then the body lets us know we need water through the thirst mechanism. However, this thirst mechanism is hindered in many of us. We have mostly lost it because we have lost the gift of metabolic balance in our bodies. The human body is a moving machine. Through our lifestyle, we have reduced the movement of our body and thus compromised our alignment and changed the energy of our cells, and one of the results is the disturbed function of thirst.

Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Your body is made up of about 60% water. The functions of these body fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, nutrient transport, and body temperature maintenance.
“Through the posterior pituitary, the brain communicates with the kidneys and tells them how much water should be excreted as urine or kept for reserves”.

When we have a low level of fluids in the body, the brain activates the body’s thirst mechanism.

What happens when this mechanism of the brain does not work properly?

  • Water helps energize the muscles. Cells that do not have proper fluid balance automatically lose electrolytes, which can result in muscle fatigue. “When muscle cells do not have adequate fluids, they do not work adequately and performance suffers”.
  • Water helps to preserve the skin. Our skin contains a lot of water and acts as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But don’t expect that excessive hydration will erase wrinkles or fine lines, minerals and vitamins are also responsible for that.
  • Water helps the kidneys. Body fluids transport waste products in and out of cells. Our kidneys do an amazing job of cleaning and releasing toxins from our body as long as our fluid intake is adequate. When we get enough fluid, urine flows freely, is light in color and odorless. When your body doesn’t get enough fluid, urine concentration, color, and odor increase as the kidneys take in extra fluid for bodily functions. If you chronically drink too little, we automatically have a higher risk of kidney stones, especially in warm climates and if we consume more calcium than magnesium.
  • Water helps maintain normal bowel function. Adequate hydration helps the gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. When you don’t get enough fluids, the colon pulls water from the stool to keep it hydrated – and the result is constipation. “The right liquid and fiber are a perfect combination, because the liquid together with the fiber acts like a broom and cleans the intestines and thus the intestines function properly.
  • It lubricates the joints. Cartilage, found in the joints and discs of the spine, contains about 80 percent water. Prolonged dehydration can reduce the absorption capacity of the joints, leading to joint pain. Forms saliva and mucus. Saliva helps us digest food and keep our mouth, nose and eyes moist. This prevents friction and damage. Drinking water also keeps the mouth clean.
  • It transports oxygen through the body. Blood is more than 90 percent water, and blood carries oxygen to different parts of the body. It stimulates the brain, spinal cord and other sensitive tissues. Dehydration can affect the structure and function of the brain. It is also involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and memory.
  • Respiratory tract and lungs. When the body is dehydrated, the airways are restricted by the body in an effort to reduce water loss. This can further aggravate asthma and allergies

Water makes minerals and nutrients available throughout the body, without water nutrients cannot be properly absorbed.
Water allows them to reach different parts of the body.

Never drink cold water while eating. When you drink cold water right after a meal or with a meal, your body uses a lot of energy to raise its temperature. This slows down the digestion process.

Drinking warm water helps with circulation and generally helps the body release toxins faster. If you choose to drink hot water, be aware that you may not feel thirsty as often as you should.

Avoid drinking hot water after exercise. During sports activities the temperature is higher due to high work, drinking cold water will lower your body temperature. What a good option right after sports.

Many people wonder which type of water is best because the market is full of different types. Each of them is claimed to have some wildly impressive additional health benefits . Some swear by mineral water, distilled water, alkaline water, ionized water, glacial melt water, or reverse osmosis water (a type of water that is transferred at high pressure through a reverse osmosis system), revitalized water. The water should be clean, revitalized, without toxins and particles, and the correct structure of 6-8 clusters with an adequate pH for our organism.

Tomorrow we continue with the description of waters and what each water literally means for you and your organism.

It is important that you understand Water is not water. There are different forms and all but one have a different molecular structure. As you can see, it starts with whether it is frozen, cold, lukewarm or warm.