Lack of magnesium – How to recognize a lack of magnesium in the body?
Given the exceptional importance of magnesium for our health, it is important to check your magnesium status in the body from time to time, but this is not an easy task. Magnesium is stored in the body in bones and soft tissue. The amount of magnesium that travels in the bloodstream is less than 1% and the level of magnesium in the blood is strictly controlled and maintained within a certain narrow range of values. For this reason, measuring the level of magnesium in the blood is not a sufficiently accurate indicator of the status of magnesium in the body, so it is recommended to know the signs of magnesium deficiency in the body and the risk factors.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are usually subtle, such as fatigue, muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, osteoporosis, and magnesium deficiency can also affect mental health. Migraines, high blood pressure, infertility, poor memory can also be signs that the body lacks magnesium. Impaired mental health is manifested in increased anxiety, depression and apathy. Lack of magnesium in the body can occur due to the intake of certain drugs that interfere with its absorption, such as antacids, antibiotics, drugs for high blood pressure, corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. The absorption of magnesium in the intestines can be hindered by certain diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases. Hyperthyroidism, intense physical activity and chronic stress can increase the need for magnesium because these are conditions of increased metabolic work, and thus a greater need for numerous enzymes that require magnesium for optimal work. Also, people suffering from type 2 diabetes are at risk of magnesium deficiency due to increased losses of magnesium through the kidneys.
Another possible sign of magnesium deficiency in the body is an insufficient level of vitamin D in the blood despite taking vitamin D in the form of a dietary supplement. Namely, it has been shown that the lack of magnesium in the body makes it difficult to absorb vitamin D, which is not surprising considering that magnesium is an integral part of many enzymes that participate in the metabolism of vitamin D. Also, long-term intake of vitamin D in the form of a dietary supplement depletes magnesium reserves in the body. Watch out for asymptomatic magnesium deficiency. Sometimes the lack of micronutrients in the body is not manifested by visible symptoms, which can be misleading. Scientists explain the asymptomatic deficit of micronutrients as the so-called with the “triage” theory. Namely, during insufficient intake, the organism uses the existing stock of micronutrients for functions that are important for immediate survival, but to the detriment of long-term health. So the body will take certain minerals from the bones to be used for the work of the heart. At the cellular level, vitamin and mineral deficiencies lead to DNA damage and cell aging, which underlies many chronic diseases.
Check for symptoms of magnesium deficiency
One of the ways to check if we lack magnesium in the body is with the help of a list of conditions that are associated with a chronic lack of magnesium or conditions that a lack of magnesium can worsen:
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, ischemic heart disease)
- type 2 diabetes
- metabolic syndrome
- osteoporosis
- muscle problems (muscle weakness, fatigue, tingling, cramps)
- neurological disorders (irritability, depression, migraines, stroke)
- respiratory disorders (asthma)
People who are at the highest risk of magnesium deficiency are:
- elderly people (due to greater loss and poorer absorption of magnesium)
- people whose diet is poor in magnesium (like the typical western diet)
- pregnant and nursing women
- people who engage in intense exercise or sports
- people who consume alcohol excessively (especially hard liquor)
- people with a malabsorption problem (in case of surgery and diseases of the gastrointestinal system)
- people taking medications (diuretics, proton pump inhibitors, chemotherapeutics)
In the described conditions, it is useful to take magnesium in the form of a dietary supplement, and especially magnesium in a spray, which is applied over the skin, is considered an extremely desirable way of applying magnesium. Transdermally applied magnesium goes directly into the tissues through the skin, where it needs to be rapidly transported to cells throughout the body. Furthermore, transdermal absorption of magnesium compared to oral administration is presented as more effective on the one hand due to almost 100% absorption, and on the other hand it has fewer side effects because it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract.
Be Natur magnesium spray
Be Natur Ionic Mg SkinSport preparation was created using an innovative method based on the structuring of a solution that converts magnesium chloride hexahydrate of 100% pharmaceutical purity into an ionized magnesium and chlorine solution that has a beneficial effect on the skin. The preparation is applied transdermally, has been dermatologically tested, and is also suitable for sensitive skin. It can be combined with oral magnesium intake. It does not contain other active ingredients, but owes its effectiveness, which is witnessed by many users from Croatia and beyond, exclusively to magnesium. Despite the existing scientific evidence on the effectiveness of the absorption of Be Natur magnesium spray, the most convincing proof of its successful absorption and action are numerous satisfied users of magnesium spray, mostly from the ranks of doctors, physiotherapists, polyclinics, recreational and professional athletes, who testify to the superiority of ionic magnesium spray in comparison with other forms of magnesium.