Did you know that vitamin D and magnesium are like best friends? They need each other to work well in our body!

There is a coordination of nutrients in the body. In other words, how much of a certain vitamin or mineral will be absorbed in the small intestine and whether it will be able to be converted into a form that our body needs and uses, to a certain extent also depends on the presence of other vitamins and minerals. Just as in an orchestra each instrument has its role, so vitamins and minerals in our body cooperate so that everything works as it should. Vitamin D and magnesium are a great example of this cooperation. Magnesium helps vitamin D to be activated, and if we lack either of them, we can have problems with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the bone system and metabolism. That is why it is important to consume enough of both!

Imagine it as a puzzle: vitamin D is one part, and magnesium is the other. Only when they are joined together is the picture complete!

Why are we deficient in vitamin D?

Most of us know that our body produces it with the help of synthesis through the skin due to exposure to sunlight, but did you know that half of the people in the world are deficient in vitamin D? In recent years, high heat and fear of the carcinogenic effects of the sun on the skin have led a large part of the population to avoid exposure to the sun during the summer months partially or completely. That is why doctors often recommend dietary supplements with vitamin D to compensate for the lack of vitamin D in the body, but we often forget about the importance of magnesium.

Magnesium – the forgotten hero

Many people around the world suffer from magnesium deficiency, and the problem is that it is difficult to detect. Our body is able to maintain a normal level of magnesium in the blood even when we are actually lacking it. To date, a simple and precise laboratory test has not been discovered that would determine the total amount of magnesium in the body, i.e. magnesium status.

What happens when we lack magnesium?

It is important to know that magnesium is necessary for the proper utilization of vitamin D. In addition to the fact that magnesium is key to the metabolism of vitamin D, taking high doses of vitamin D can deplete magnesium stores in the body. If we take large amounts of vitamin D and do not have enough magnesium, our body will not be able to use vitamin D properly. That is why some people, despite taking dietary supplements with vitamin D, have low levels of vitamin D in their blood. Simply put, without enough magnesium, vitamin D metabolism slows down.

Be Natur solution

Be Natur offers a great solution: vitamin D3 tablets that melt under the tongue and a magnesium spray that is applied to the skin.

Vitamin D3 tablets:

  • Small and have a pleasant taste 
  • No need to take with water (soluble under the tongue) 
  • Contain 1000 IU of vitamin D3 

Be Natur Ionic Magnesium Ultra Rapid Skin&Sport spray:

  • Ideal for athletes and anyone who wants to quickly replenish magnesium 
  • Relaxes muscles and neutralizes unpleasant odors 
  • Applied to the skin and quickly absorbed 
  • Dermatologically tested and suitable for sensitive skin 
  • Created by an innovative method based on structuring the solution which converts magnesium chloride hexahydrate of 100% pharmaceutical purity into an ionized solution of magnesium and chlorine that has a beneficial effect on your skin

The combination of these two products ensures that your body gets enough vitamin D and magnesium for optimal health.

Remember, vitamin D and magnesium are a team that works together and that’s why they make an inseparable pair!